Inspection in minutes of arrival
Lowest cost of all possible solutions
Very low risk as no contact with property
Live feedback to spotter with continuous recording
Low, with minimal noise during flight from UAV
Low, with handlers on ground level at all times
Days to erect and dismantle
High costs to set up and take down
High risk of damage during set up and take down
Instant feedback but no recording, risk of oversight
High noise on construct and visual impact throughout
High as they use a non permanent structure at all times
Access Issues
Access issues and time limitations
High rental costs
Ground damage possible due to weight
Instant feedback, not always recorded, access issues
High noise and visual impact on set-up/removal
High with people working well above ground level
Within minutes of being on site
Low cost but high risk
Ladder will contact property, as will surveyor
Instant feedback, not always recorded
Low, with minimal noise from ladder
High risk with unsecured systems at height
14 Bishopsmead Parade
East Horsley, Surrey
KT24 6RT
Phone number:
Tel: 07973 714380
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